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Privacy Statement Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika


Last Updated Sep 19, 2020


Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika (or the “Company”) is committed to protecting the privacy of those who visit the Company’s Web sites (“Visitors”), and those who register to use the Services as defined below (“Customers”). This Privacy Statement describes Company’s privacy practices in relation to the use of the Company’s Web sites and the related devices, applications and services offered by Company (the “Services”).


1. Web sites covered


This Privacy Statement covers the information practices of Web sites that link to this Privacy Statement, including: (referred to as “Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika’s Web sites” or “the Company’s Web sites”).


Company’s Web sites may contain links to other Web sites. The information practices or the content of such other Web sites is governed by the privacy statements of such other Web sites. The Company encourages you to review the privacy statements of other Web sites, including ones we may link to, in order to understand their information practices.


2. Information collected



When expressing an interest in obtaining additional information about the Services or registering to use the Services,  Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika  requires you to provide the Company with personal contact information, such as name, company name, address, phone number, and email address (“Required Contact Information”). When you have an interest to engaged as business partner, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may require you to provide the Company/Personal information, such as address, phone number and email. 


As you navigate the Company’s Web sites, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika  may also collect information through the use of commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and Web beacons (“Web Site Navigational Information”). Web Site Navigational Information includes standard information from your Web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and the actions you take on the Company’s Web sites (such as the Web pages viewed and the links clicked).



The Services include the Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika products you use, where we process content that you collect, send, receive and share. This content includes any information about you that you may choose to include. Examples include: the summary and description added to a support, the custom policy settings you define in Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika, the chat messages you exchange, comments you enter, and any feedback you provide to us. Content also includes the files and links you upload to the Services.



The Services also include our web sites owned or operated by us. We collect other content that you submit to these web sites, which include social media or social networking web sites operated by us. For example, you provide content to us when you provide feedback or when you participate in any interactive features, surveys, contests, promotions, sweepstakes, activities or events.



The Services also include our customer support, where you may choose to submit information regarding a problem you are experiencing with a Product. Whether you designate yourself as a contact, open a support ticket, speak to one of our representatives directly or otherwise engage with our support team, you will be asked to provide contact information, a summary of the problem you are experiencing, and any other documentation, screenshots or information that would be helpful in resolving the issue.



Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. 


All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.


We collect and log information about you when you use our Services, including browsing our web sites and taking certain actions within the Services for your auditing purposes and compliance.



We keep track of certain information about you when you visit and interact with any of our Services. This information includes the features you use; the links you click on; the type, size and filenames of attachments you upload to the Services; and name and/or email address.


3. Use of information collected

The Company uses Data About Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers to perform the services requested. For example, if you fill out a “Contact Me” Web form, the Company will use the information provided to contact you about your interest in the Services & Product. The Company may also use Data About Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers for marketing purposes. For example, the Company may use information you provide to contact you to further discuss your interest in the Products and to send you information regarding the Company, its affiliates, and its partners, such as information about promotions or events.


Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika uses Web Site Navigational Information to operate and improve the Company’s Web sites. The Company may also use Web Site Navigational Information alone or in combination with Data About Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika (Aerplus) Customers to provide you with personalized information about the Company.


4. Web Site Navigational Information

Cookies, Web Beacons and IP Addresses. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika   uses commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and Web beacons, to collect information as you navigate the Company’s Web sites (“Web Site Navigational Information”). This section describes the types of Web Site Navigational Information used on the Company’s Web sites and how this information may be used.



Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika uses cookies to make interactions with the Company’s Web sites easy and meaningful. When you visit one of the Company’s Websites, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika's servers send a cookie to your computer. Standing alone, cookies do not personally identify you; they merely recognize your Web browser. Unless you choose to identify yourself to Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika either by responding to a promotional offer, opening an account, or filling out a Web form (such as a “Contact Me” or a “Subscribe” Web form), you remain anonymous to the Company.


Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika uses cookies that are session-based and persistent-based. Session cookies exist only during one session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browser software or turn off your computer. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser or turn off your computer. Please note that if you disable your Web browser’s ability to accept cookies, you will be able to navigate the Company’s Web sites, but you will not be able to successfully use the Services.



Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika uses Web beacons alone or in conjunction with cookies to compile information about Customers and Visitors’ usage of the Company’s Web sites and interaction with emails from the Company. Web beacons are clear electronic images that can recognize certain types of information on your computer, such as cookies, when you viewed a particular Website tied to the Web beacon, and a description of a Website tied to the Web beacon. For example, Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika (Aerplus) may place Web beacons in marketing emails that notify the Company when you click on a link in the email that directs you to one of the Company’s Web sites. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika) uses Web beacons to operate and improve the Company’s Web sites and email communications.



When you visit Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika’s Web sites, the Company collects your Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses to track and aggregate non-personal information. For example, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika uses IP addresses to monitor the regions from which Customers and Visitors navigate the Company’s Web sites. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika also collects IP addresses from Customers whey they log into the Services as part of the Company’s “Identity Confirmation” and “IP Range Restrictions” security features.



The Company’s Web sites may use social media features, such as the Facebook 'like' button ("Social Media Features"). These features may collect your IP address, Email address, and which page you are visiting on the Company's Web site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. You may be given the option by such Social Media Features to post information about your activities on the Company's Web site to a profile page of yours that is provided by a third party Social Media network in order to share with others within your network. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on the Company’s Web site. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing the relevant Social Media Features.



Currently, various browsers – including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari – offer a “do not track” or “DNT” option that relies on a technology known as a DNT header, which sends a signal to Web sites' visited by the user about the user's browser DNT preference setting. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika does not currently commit to responding to browsers' DNT signals with respect to the Company's Web sites, in part, because no common industry standard for DNT has been adopted by industry groups, technology companies or regulators, including no consistent standard of interpreting user intent. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika takes privacy and meaningful choice seriously and will make efforts to continue to monitor developments around DNT browser technology and the implementation of a standard.



To opt-out of our use of cookies, you can instruct your browser, by changing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from web sites you visit. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all aspects of our Services. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika and our third party partners also collect information using web beacons (also known as "tracking pixels").


Many browsers include their own management tools for removing HTML5 local storage objects. You may be able to opt out of receiving personalized advertisements using the “Opt Out” banner on our web sites where applicable.


For more information about how to opt out of any web tracking, please refer to, or (Europe only).


You will not be able to opt-out of any cookies or other technologies that are “strictly necessary” for the Services.


5. Public forums and customer testimonials

Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may provide bulletin boards, blogs, or chat rooms on the Company’s Web sites. Any personal information you choose to submit in such a forum may be read, collected, or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send you unsolicited messages. Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika (Aerplus) is not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these forums.


Customers and Visitors may elect to use the Company’s referral program to inform friends about the Company’s Web sites. When using the referral program, the Company requests the friend’s name and email address. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika will automatically send the friend a one-time email inviting him or her to visit the Company’s Web sites. Addigy does not store this information.


Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may posts a list of Customers and testimonials on the Company’s Web sites that contain information such as Customer names and titles. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika obtains the consent of each Customer prior to posting any information on such a list or posting testimonials.


Additionally, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may recommend reviewing public forums. You should be aware that any information you provide on these websites or channels - including profile information associated with the account you use to post the information - may be read, collected, and used by any member of the public who accesses these websites. Your posts and certain profile information may remain even after you terminate your account. We urge you to consider the sensitivity of any information you input into these Services. To request removal of your information from publicly accessible websites operated by us, please contact us as provided below. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to and why.


6. Sharing of information collected


Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may share Data About Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers with the Company's contracted service providers so that these service providers can provide services on our behalf. Without limiting the foregoing, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may also share Data about Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers with the Company's service providers to ensure the quality of information provided, and with third-party social networking and media Web sites, such as Facebook, for marketing and advertising on those Web sites. Unless described in this Privacy Statement, Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika does not share, sell, rent, or trade any information with third parties for their promotional purposes.



If you register or access the Services using an email address with a domain that is owned by your employer or organization, and such organization wishes to establish an account or site, certain information about you including your name, contact info, content and past use of your account may become accessible to that organization’s administrator and other Service users sharing the same domain. If you are an administrator for a particular site or group of users within the Services, we may share your contact information with current or past Service users, for the purpose of facilitating Service-related requests.



The Company may share Data about Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers with other companies in order to work with them. For example, the Company may need to share Data About Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers for customer relationship management purposes.



Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika may partner with other companies to jointly offer products or services. If you purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly-offered product or service from Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika, the Company may share Data About Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika   Customers collected in connection with your integration, purchase or expression of interest with our joint partner(s). Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika does not control our business partners’ use of the Data About Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Customers we collect, and their use of the information will be in accordance with their own privacy policies. If you do not wish for your information to be shared in this manner, you may opt not to purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly offered product or service. 



Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika reserves the right to use or disclose information provided if required by law or if the Company reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to protect the Company’s rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process.


7. Communications preferences

Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika offers Visitors and Customers who provide contact information a means to choose how the Company uses the information provided. You may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of the Company’s marketing emails. Additionally, you may send a request to


8. Changes to this Privacy Statement

Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement from time to time. Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika will provide notification of the material changes to this Privacy Statement through the Company’s Web sites. If the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice by adding a notice within the Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Service, login screen, or by sending you an email notification. We encourage you to review our privacy policy whenever you use Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Services to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy.


If you disagree with any changes to this privacy policy, you will need to stop using Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika Services and deactivate your account(s), as outlined above.


9. Contacting us

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement or the information practices of the Company’s Web sites should be directed to Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika   Privacy Team or Aerplus | Amerta Ekakarsa Radhika’s Data Protection Officer by emailing

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